I hung out on set yesterday in magical Provins, France, and absorbed the ins and outs of creating a music video project. Francois was a positive force on set as he smiled his way through it all. My friends from Norway, Kings of Convenience, have a new record coming out in October called "Declaration of Dependence" and this video shoot was for the single, "Mrs. Cold". I shot the cover of this record while we were all spending time together at Casa Rincon, Mexico. So nice.
Cannot wait for their new album!
Thanks for sharing KoC's info here.
Magnifique! Great photos and vid :) Miss you guys and gai Paris! love/Swedish Jake
so excited for the new record! thanks for the video!
Lovely cover photo Danielle!
Hi Danielle!
finally I found you here...don't know if you still remember me, you met me and my boyfriend backstage at Pukkelpop! you were such nice people! so friendly and kind to us.
Your pictures are just amazing , wauw - Nice life!
say hello to Adrian
take care
i love your photos, and i love kings of convenience.
Great video, great light, great place! Could you please tell me where exactly it was filmed?
Danielle, many thanks for sharing this!
Could you please tell names of those magificent girls from the clips?! I really want to join their fan-club =)
يمكنكم الان الحصول على افضل الخصمات التى نقد\مة الان من شركة تنظيف خزانات مكة التى لا مثيل لها الان حيث انا نعمل على تقدم افضل العروض المختلفة الان من شركة تنظيف موكيت مكة التى نقدمة لان فى اقل وقت ممكمن باقل الاسعار الرائعة التى تعمل على تقدم افضل شركة تنظيف شقق مكة التى لا مثيل لها الان حيث اننا نعمل على تقدم افضل العروض الان من شركة جلي رخام مكة وباقل الاسعار الخصمات العاتلمية الان من شركة مكافحة حشرات مكة التى نقدمة الان
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