I discovered something. Stopping in NYC en route to Home is a natural way to transition into American life again. NYC feels a little bit Euro and a lot US. It's sort of like tempering your body and mind slowly and warmly, rather than jumping into a cold pool. NYC was quick and magical. Checked in on Mariella at her ballet school, and her 16-year-old-in-nyc world. Saw Linda before her move to Minneapolis. Watched sister Simone play with Rubies. Collected a new hat at the beautiful Worth & Worth hat shop. Walked passed the blanket rapped Vanessa Redgrave in the newly Fall central park and pretty much hugged the city in general.
It feels so good to be back in California for a spell now. After a week in Santa Barbara surrounding Brooke & Crosby's wedding we headed back to the bay last night. Had yet another incredible meal at Charlie's restaurant, Pizzaiolo, where Ingrid and I traditionally go to reconnect. To start, there was flatbread with eggplant, a cucumber and farro salad, a few perfect beets and ricotta. Next up was a halibut mantecato that reminded me of a dish I had in Portugal resembling salt cod (Bacalao). The pizza for us was cherry tomato with arugula with a perfectly salted crust. YUM. Some shell beans on the side with a bit of aioli as well. For desert I had an affogato and a walk home.
Excited about a shoot on Friday with the lovely Kacey Johansing. We met eachother in Paris via Bart Davenport and was FLOORED by her singing. Going to do something magical with her involving inventive looks with 70's lighting. New and old at the same time. That's how I roll.
Hi Danielle!
I found your blog out of nowhere,and I just fell in love with your work!!
Congratulations for that :)
I'm a design student and love photography,so it's very nice to find people doing nice things,like you!
(sorry about the english,by the way!Brazilian girl writting in english...)
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